Before and After School Recreation
With the cooperation of District 21, the Wheeling Park District has developed a before-and after-school program for working parents that provides quality care for children in grades K-5 who attend Field, Tarkington, Twain, and Whitman schools. The program is committed to providing safe recreation activities, including games, crafts, sports, and homework/quiet time to counter the day’s educational activities. Parents may choose either before- or after-school care or both before- and after-school care.
The programs site is the Wheeling Park District Community Recreation Center (CRC). Students using before-school are dropped off at the CRC and bused to their home school. After-school care students are bussed from their home school to the CRC and should be picked up there.
Wheeling Park District offers recreation programs at the CRC, such as swim lessons, art classes, and dance programs after school. Sign up for the BASR aftercare and an after-school recreation program, and our staff will work with each family to walk their child safely to their next activity! Registration for additional activities is not included in the price of the BASR program.
Option 1
Sign up for a weekly schedule.
Registration Fee:
$50.00/child, non-refundable
Before School:
7:00 – 9:00 am
After School:
3:30 – 6:00 pm
A monthly payment plan is set up for each family’s convenience.
*Note that packets must be submitted in person at guest services by no later than 7 days prior to student’s start date.
Option 2
Purchase a punch card to use on an as-needed, drop-in bases
10 Punch Card: $115/child
5 Punch Card: $65/child
Punch cards are valid for the current school year only and expire on the last day of school. Punch cards are per child. No refunds for unused punches.
*Note that Packets must be submitted in person at guest services. Punch Cards are activated 5 business days following submission and payment at Guest Services.
Calendar and Hours of Operation
The Before and After School Recreation program follows the District 21 school calendar of student attendance days.
Questions + Additional Information
For questions, please email BASR@wheelingparkdistrict.com.
For more information on available scholarships, please call 847-465-3333 or click here to learn more.
Parent Handbook
Schedule Change and Withdrawals
Schedule Change Policy: Schedule changes must be submitted no later than seven days prior to the requested change. Permanent Schedule Changes may be used for permanent changes for the school year. Temporary Schedule Changes may be used to add or remove specific dates. Refunds and/or charges will be issued for days included in processed bills. Future billing schedules will be adjusted accordingly. The first three schedule change transactions are free of charge. Every schedule change transaction after the third will have a $10 processing fee.
Withdrawal Policy: Withdrawals must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the final day. Refunds will be issued for any days included in processed bills. A $25/Child Withdrawal Fee will be charged or deducted for any applicable refund.