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Denoyer Park Renovation

In accordance with the Wheeling Park District’s Neighborhood Park Improvement Plan, we are excited to begin the renovation of Chamber Park.  As with the previous neighborhood park renovation projects, the Park District will reach out to the community during the planning and design process.  We look forward to sharing each milestone reached in the development of this important community resource.

Playground Site Map

Denoyer Park is located at 440 Denoyer Trail, Wheeling, IL 60090

September 25, 2024

On September 25, 2024, District staff hosted a community presentation to showcase and discuss exciting design concepts and playground options for Denoyer Park. The event was an opportunity for residents to learn more about the vision for the park and provide valuable feedback to shape the final plans.

August 14, 2024

A listening session was conducted on Wednesday, August 14, at the Denoyer Park to collect feedback from the community.

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