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Preschool Prep

Social learning goes hand in hand with language development, a key task for our busy 2s. We enrich the day with songs, rhymes, stories, activity time, and art projects. This is a great way for children to learn how to be away from their parents and how to play with others. Learning is natural and easy with lots of choices and opportunities to explore. A parent or care-giver will be asked to attend the first class only. Students will be given priority registration into our 2024-25 Preschool Program. Toilet training is required or a parent or care-giver must be available on-site to change the child’s diaper.

Must be two and a half before September 1, 2025

Location: Community Recreation Center Preschool

Registration Information & Criteria
All children registering for the 2025–2026 Preschool programs must meet the age requirement for the class. A complete registration form with class choice(s), up-to-date medical forms and a copy of your child’s birth certificate must be on file prior to the first day of attendance.

Preschool Prep

We enrich the day with songs, rhymes, stories, activity time, and art projects. This is a great way for children to learn how to be away from the parents and learn how to play with others. An authorized adult will be asked to attend the first day of school only.

#411531-01   Preschool Prep (M/W) Ages: 2.5-2.9
Days of the Week
Duration: Location: Community Recreation Center Register
#411531-02   Preschool Prep (T/Th) Ages: 2.5-2.9
Days of the Week
Duration: Location: Community Recreation Center Register

Last updated .

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